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Microbiome Powered Health


The human gut microbiota is a complex and dynamic microbial community of bacteria, fungi/yeasts, and viruses that establish a pattern and balance that is personalized to each individual termed as microbiome or gut-biome. 

​A balanced gut-biome is integral to the maintenance of health and the regulation of the gut epithelium, nutrient absorption and host immune system.  ​ Alterations in microbial composition, pattern or balance known as Dysbiosis have been linked to multiple pathologies, such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD), crohns, diabetes mellitus, obesity, colorectal cancer. ​ Especially bacterial species that feed on non-digestible dietary fibers play an important role in human health as they produce metabolites, such as short chain fatty acids (SCFA) that beneficially affect the intestinal mucosa. ​ Our diets are deficient of the diverse fibers and starve important gut bacteria, resulting in the dysbiosis often with devastating effects. Recognizing the Dysbiosis as root cause or mediating the initiation of inflammatory insult, is the first step towards gut health improvement and overall wellness. We all have Dysbiosis to some degree and if ignored, can lead to chronic inflammatory conditions. We can help in your journey to wellness.


The increasing knowledge on the importance of the balanced gut-biome in health and disease has led to the quest for new or next-generation approaches of restoring the balanced gut-biome.

Attempting to restore this complex dysbiosis with a strain by strain or few strains at a time approach is futile and foolish. The probiotic strains cannot thrive with out the pertinent fermentable fibers and in the absence of such fibers some strains consume the healthy mucus layer in the gut making the gut inflammation worse.   At Medisynbio we take a holistic approach where we created an ideal ecosystem for the most relevant microbiota to thrive and deliver the desired health benefits for the individual. We nurture and nourish the personalized microbiome of each individual for evidence based results. Our nourishment for the tiny bugs in you can make you mighty with good health, hence our tag line “A Tiny Nourishment for a Mighty You”.


Modulation of the gut-biome to change the clinical outcome in specific inflammatory condition, has been our core competence. We use patented Synbiotic formulae that are clinically proven in our condition specific products 

that remedy dysbiosis and ongoing inflammatory insult in the gut. We are pioneers in using Human Milk Oligosaccharides in synbiotic approach with real word clinical efficacy data. Our prebiotic components provide a blend of fermentable fibers that nourish diverse gut flora resulting in improved levels of all short chain fatty acids (Butyrate, Propionate and Acetate) there by improving colonocyte health and reducing inflammatory burden. Added to this synbiotic, is Astaxanthin, a potent antioxidant that acts synergistically with our Synbiotic to further reduce inflammation. The clinical remission observed in Crohn’s patient (link) justifies our remedial approach.   ​ The improvement of inflammatory biomarkers (TNF alpha, Calprotectin and interleukins) has a positive systemic effect in related conditions such as vascular (heart) health, Arthritis, Renal health and Diabetes.

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